Monday, May 11, 2009

Bollywood Fashion Designers

mon amour

today and Sunday I want to go out libero.tante more time in my city, or read some libro.oggi I watched some videos on youtube with roma.mancano few days roma.mi was going to miss her in this I was at my house where I have my roots to my parents and brothers and all but my love for Rome and one thing diversa.e a special love that I feel inside in my heart and makes me very bene.roma has been my home for so long and the remembrance of those years and I can forget nulla.guardando me.non within the video have been shipping in Rome I saw once Once the streets to the palaces I have heard talk from people out for a walk Sunday to the sounds of children's parks and I felt at casa.gia in 2006 when I returned to Rome after 3 months here I had the same sentimento.arrivando in early morning in Rome I metro.poi at the bus stop I heard two of the drivers talking to that moment an emotion made me tremble casa.non matter if you are the Roma (I heard) and a little changed . I'm sure the people who work and welcome also believe adesso.non that soon the DNA of the Roman cambiato.sono disappointed and perhaps other things that happen but not my life I've shot a lot of people I met while I was also in other capitals of Europe and Rome but there diversa.non paragone.e beauty is different for heat for the people and especially for umanita.tante have been lost in the big city but Rome never lets you perderti.e from the stela of all polar I was trained in Rome as the person doing the gaveta and learning the right price from vita.ho learned lessons that no school can dare.ho you do not understand the world and done by so many people who work studying children grow and go forward with Demnate also help those who are weaker. I have never forgotten the words of my father when I left in Italy: marius now not go to school do not go to the military go to another country that does not do some shit I will not be present te.tieni questo.gli years pasati I grew up in speed with age But inside me is the same guy who came to live in the capital of mondo.fra few days I have my marriage and my relationship with boar in Rome was very strong and will ask the fate vivro.non until no other only thing to live in rome

mihai juravle


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