Monday, April 6, 2009

Cartier Bresson Minilux


define myself as a happy person who lives his life hoping that everything bene.da few days there are more felice.neanche my marriage I am not very close to the felicita.ho read articles about the messenger teremoto in abruzzo.sono was very hurt although living in romania.sono injured especially for victims who paid with their lives the revolt of the injured terra.sono for foto.le limagine those photos I saw of a normality destroyed by the people I saw the desperation I felt the fear of the survivors piantti the love of children by trying to mame Sarvar from a terrible death that I saw the helplessness of men before the natura.non there are words in the dictionary to express condolences for all those sense of loss and lost too grande.abbiamo people who deserved to make a vita.vorrei apella Romania existing in the community will ask italia.non acts wonder if you can do something for the Population of abruzzo . fratelli.un is our gesture to donate sarebebe sangue.e a noble gesture that is to make the most of every medaglia.potete volontari.possiamo molto.litalia do well and our second home we have not been rejected not adesso.come we reject it at this time dramatici.sono avis structures that need donors.



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